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Teacher Features

The Deep Think Series

Auteur:  KR Sullivan

LX Producer: KR Sullivan

Instructographer:  Laura Summers

Graphic Designer:  Parsin Farre



The 3-minute Deep Think is a non-linear, dynamic leaning object  (DVLO) created by Teacher Auteur KR Sullivan. In this series we explore the idea of Knowledge Creation. If knowledge were not taught, how is new knowledge aquired, or rediscovered if it already exists. 


This series is comprised of 4 episodes. Episode 1 is entitled Knowlede Creation. Episode 2 explores this idea of Direct Learning through implicit means. The third episode touches on games mechanics and motivational studies in teaching and learning. Finally, the fourth episode looks at the new and emerging field of the Learning Scinces.



I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

Genre:      Dynamic Video

Academia: Knowledge Theory


"Power ups" at home

Auteur: :Laura Summers

LX Producer: KR Sullivan

Instructographer: Laura Summers

Graphic Designer: Parsin Farre



"Power Ups" are well known to gamers as extra "super powers" they gain from play. In the same way, families can get Power Ups through Learning Experiences. FamilyLX can grow families stronger, by making learning and shared experiences part of their ongoing interactions. 


Laura Summers talks about the new popular concept of "Supplimentals" in education, informal learning that takes place at home and often become central to individualized learning experiences. In this live webinar she integrates live video, interactive games and customnized workbooks for your family experiences to become incredible!



Genre:      Live Webinar

Academia: HomeSchooling


Auteur:  Jennifer Fox

LX Producer:  KR Sullivan

Instructograper:  Laura Summers

Graphic Designer:  Parsin Farre


Learning in the Digital Age. Is media exposure changing how we learn? Numerous studies show that our interaction with digital media is changing our cognitive processing. If true, what does this mean when talking about education and how to interact within this communication forum. What can be done to retool old administrative methods for leaning and reinvent teaching as part of a creative industry?

Advancing Intelligence

Genre:       Webinar Screener

Academia: Learning Sciences


Auteur: KR Sullivan   

LX Producer: KR Sullivan

Instructographer: Laura Summers

Graphic Designer: Parsin Farre



While educators understand some of the mechanics related to memory, such as repetition and time on task, modern cognitive studies are revealing that memory is also inexricably tied to emotional response. It also calls into question the accuracy of memory recall and how those memories are transfered into quite seperate systems used in long and short term storage.


KR Sullivan examines how information can be guided through the various depths of knowledge starting with basic recall to implicit knowledge with automatic/subconscious response.  



Genre:    Dynamic Video

Academia: Media Studies


Learning and Memory Recall

Auteur:  Jennifer Fox

LX Producer:  KR Sullivan

Instructographer:  Laura Summers

Graphic Designer:  Parsin Farre


To really elevate the quality of education, critical thinking skills must be reintroduced into the curriculum. Without the most basic skills for thinking, real knowledge is unattainable. Children without thinking skills become adults without thinking skills.


This webinar examines what Thinking Skills is as a curriculum and what it would take to introduce Thinking Skills into mainstream education. What form would it take in formal settings and could it be introduced informally through Supplimentals.

Genre:   Asynchronous Interactive Webinar

Academia: Knowledge Theory/Thinking Skills


The Learning Brain
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